Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I am Impacted and Intoxicated! Feel Handicapped without enterprising One.

Prior to my mixed mode programme, we have been given directives to use a variety of teaching learning materials that enhance children’s learning.  However, I had a notion of using charts, few real objects and worksheet that serves every purpose of ICT.
After having learned the module ICT419, I have actually learned how to enterprise every locally available recourse to embed and fit with the teaching learning process which actually informs and confirms the fulfillment of lesson objectives. This module, in fact was not introduced during our time as trainee. The gap between the initial appointment and after one and half decades of serving in the various parts of country where there is no connectivity of telephones, television, road and internet. In fact I really had no idea of enterprising such resources to actually teach the lessons through integration.
I have depended so much on text book information for a decade and hence no skill of using ICT tools. But after attending the 12 hours credit value of ICT class during residential school. And having going through many assignment on ICT implementations and innovations through distance mode, I cannot live without such tools in my hand as teachers. I am habituated, impacted andreally intoxicated because I feel sophisticated without a plan to have atleast two ICT tool in each and every teaching happening in my career. I feel accomplished and competent with such innovations and being at least a facilitator and I feel handicapped without having one during my lesson.

I thank the institute for having this module and thank my tutor Sir Ugyen Wangchuk for his valuable and impactful ICT classes which actually added credits in my profession and learned many things by doing in the field.
Thank You.
Sangay Tenzin


Thursday, October 24, 2019

I feel proud, satisfied and contended whenever I integrate ICT.

Reflection on Using Different devices as ICT tool.

Normally, in practical, the tradition and culture embedded in the teacher’s mind of 20th Century. Providing the concept and skills using chalk and chalk board and sometimes I personally feel that with such culture of teaching in our times, may be 20 years ago.
We were sometimes made over burden and at times confused of concluding the exact concepts and process, however we as teachers now must learn to use and integrate many different aids to provide one concept.
When we use many different aids or devices, firstly it makes our teaching easy. It helps the teacher to supplement his or her teaching through these devices playing the role of visual presentation, sound and effects [or otherwise known as visual and sound devices] that help motivate children to fully engross in their learning.
Our teachings somehow are not left with unmet focus or the learning objectives of the lesson. I cannot go to my class without any of these. This is because, I am very used to it and moreover, I can manipulate more and become innovative in my teaching.
I want to say that “Teachers can teach differently of the same concept learned before 50 years to the children of present using ICT tools”. Thus, it makes effective and contended.
As teachers, I think we must own our personal things which can be exclusively used in our teaching. This is our bread and butter and must bring impacts in our young children.
Sangay Tenzin

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Integration of ICT brings satisfaction of lessons.


              ICT can be explained as “anything which allows us to obtain information, to correspond with each other, or to have an outcome on the atmosphere using electronic or digital paraphernalia” (Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2003, p. 4) and practitioners must understand and make excellent use of ICT to support children’s learning, to communicate with others, and for their personal learning (Mitchell & Cubey, 2003).
            With this note I have tried to incorporate and integrate as many tools as possible in a block period science lesson. I prepared a science lesson on the topic “Parts of a flower” of class V.  I started with the revision of previous lesson and then check the prior knowledge of the topic.
            I showed the real flower in the class and explained about the various colours and parts which actually a flower consist of. And then introduce each part by plucking out and wrote the names on the board. After having written the names of parts of a flower, I showed the class with the diagram of the complete flower to explain and discuss further. I felt the lesson was in fact short; however I took two periods in explaining and completing the task or activities.
            The activities include watching a video lesson, and comprehend what has been learned from the video and discuss in pair label the different parts of a flower on a given worksheet. This class of teaching was observed as part of my professional development and provided the comments pictures.
            I could make a sense that through integration of various tools and devices actually make the class lively and worth learning. The participating children in the class were found very active and involved throughout wilt enthusiasm. I feel good after teaching this very lesson. I came to know why ICT integration makes our work easier and helps children to learn faster and finally become contended.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Using Visual Pictures and Charts as part of ICT Integration.

As part of change in my daily lesson, I got substitution of one of our teacher colleague; I got an opportunity to teach a story in class V “A pet for Mrs. Arbuckle”. I referred his lesson plan, and found that he needs to prepare a chart of story time line and visual aid or the world map to show the overall travel of the protagonist in the story.
 I prepared the lesson just before the arrival of his period in my free periods. I truly felt it important and teaching the others lesson through using various visual aids integrated in the lesson serves the purpose of ICT integration.
I have used the chart to provide the overall scenario of the story and the world map to identify the location of different pets contesting to become the pet for Mrs. Arbuckle.
The overall lesson made me impressed because I could see that every group could answer the questions provided in the worksheet.
Kids were found healthy and active in listening to my story teaching after a decade of leaving this particular subject as part of my daily teaching.