Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reflection on Using Different devices as ICT tool.

Normally, in practical, the tradition and culture embedded in the teacher’s mind of 20th Century. Providing the concept and skills using chalk and chalk board and sometimes I personally feel that with such culture of teaching in our times, may be 20 years ago.
We were sometimes made over burden and at times confused of concluding the exact concepts and process, however we as teachers now must learn to use and integrate many different aids to provide one concept.
When we use many different aids or devices, firstly it makes our teaching easy. It helps the teacher to supplement his or her teaching through these devices playing the role of visual presentation, sound and effects [or otherwise known as visual and sound devices] that help motivate children to fully engross in their learning.
Our teachings somehow are not left with unmet focus or the learning objectives of the lesson. I cannot go to my class without any of these. This is because, I am very used to it and moreover, I can manipulate more and become innovative in my teaching.
I want to say that “Teachers can teach differently of the same concept learned before 50 years to the children of present using ICT tools”. Thus, it makes effective and contended.
As teachers, I think we must own our personal things which can be exclusively used in our teaching. This is our bread and butter and must bring impacts in our young children.
Sangay Tenzin