Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Using various devices and modes of communication to teach the concept in my Science lesson

I know as teacher we use various devices, strategies and means of communication to provide concept in our daily teaching. It’s not that I have consciously used such integration to update my blog and receive countless comments.

I as teacher, I always ensure that my lesson of teaching is convinced and understood by the learners. My objectives are met and retained for many years by using in each and every daily’s life.

In view of this update in my blog, I have taught class V science on the topic “How Electricity is generated in Bhutan”. To provide concept on electricity itself was difficult for students. Therefore, I have decided to use video lessons explaining the overall concept of electricity generation. The pictures of hydro power stations in Bhutan to show the places used for this very purpose.

I have also used power point presentations to discuss various terms and statements explaining about this concept.

My overall impression: I felt satisfied and contended of integrating different devices to provide the very vague concept. This helped me in serving the purpose of showing different parts and devices that is used to generate electricity.
I am happy that  I could achieve my lesson objectives.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to read your second post assignment which you are contended and satisfied after the lesson. It's understood that things are improving and children are learning.
    It's worth that you have also shared in your face book page. That's all ICT and friends can really learn from yours. Thumbs up la.
